dimarts, 14 d’abril del 2009

Let's go to London!

Let's travel in the space and learn more about London!!
London is the capital of England and one of the most popular and largest cities in the world. London has an official population of 7,512,400. There are a lot of different cultures and languages 'living' in London and we can say that is a multicultural city.
In this pictures you will see the most important places in London:

Grammar Revision

Present Simple

We use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event or something that often happens. For example: I go to school.
Remember to put a 's' in the third person: he plays, she plays...

Here you've got an exercise to practise the Present Simple:

1.Does she play tennis?
A.Yes, she do.
B.Yes, she does.

2.Is he a lawyer?
A.No, he isn't.
B.No, he don't.

3.Are you a teacher?
A.Yes, I do.
B.Yes, I am.

4.Does he go to school?
A.No, he does not.
B.No, he don't.

5.Is Marvin a doctor?
A.Yes, he does.
B.Yes, he is.

6.Are you a student?
A.Yes, you are.
B.Yes, I am.

7.Does she speak English?
A.Yes, she does.
B.Yes, she do.

8.Do you work?
A.Yes, I am.
B.No, I don't.

9.Does she play golf?
A.No, she is not.
B.Yes, she does.

If you want to do more exercises, you can visit this website:


Let's see some typical English food

Fish and chips is a typical English dish specially in the big cities. You can find fish and chips in a lot of restaurants and it's a type of fast food that consists of fried fish and potatoes.

In the United Kingdom and in Australia fish-and-chips shops usually are independent from the restaurants and you can find small shops in the middle of the main streets.

St George's Day

St George's Day is celebrated by several nations, kingdoms, countries, and cities, of which Saint George is the patron saint, including England, the old kingdoms and countries of the Crown of Aragon in Spain - Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia; Portugal, Georgia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, and the cities of Moscow in Russia, Genova in Italy, Ljubljana in Slovenia, Beirut in Lebanon, and many others.

La Diada de Sant Jordi, also known as "el dia de la rosa" (The Day of the Rose) or el dia del llibre (The Day of the Book) is a Catalan holiday celebrated on April 23 similar to St. Valentine's Day with some unique twists that show the ancient practice of this day. The main event is the exchange of gifts between sweethearts, loved ones and respected ones. Historically, men gave women roses, and women gave men a book to celebrate the occasion—"a rose for love and a book forever." In modern times, the mutual exchange of books is customary. Roses have been associated with this day since medieval times, but the giving of books is a more recent tradition.


exchange: intercanvi
ancient: antiga

The animal of the week, the Koala

The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is an arboreal marsupial herbivore native to Australia. The Koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia.
The Koalas of South Australia were exterminated during the early part of the 20th century.
The Koala lives on eucalyptus leaves. They eat eucalyptus leaves.
They can live seventeen years but most of them die before.
The population of Koalas nowadays is fewer than 100,000 koalas.

exterminated: exterminats
fewer than: menys que